
Ai IC key link to my coffer + 1 year AD


Ai IC key link my coffer+ 1year AD Coffer--->$1000 (discount to $600)




datasheet datasheet  

Credit card +smart watch sensor ic =AI coffer IC card +one-year AD+ one-year coffer rental

  Download APP    直接刷卡(payment by crdeit card)   批量購買 AI IC card(+)AI coffer IC card + one-year AD + one-year coffer rental 購買產品名稱:保險櫃IC卡+一年保險櫃租用,放在保險櫃的物品,賣家都公開可以在我們平台販售,幫你節省龐大廣告費和交易費用.(Purchase product name: coffer IC card + one-year coffer rental.The items you put in the safe are all public and can be sold on our platform. Help you save huge advertising fees and transaction fees )  你在保險櫃內的所有收藏品和產品將在YouTube上面自動推播節省非常大的廣告費用. 也可以將保險櫃分銷給你旗下的客戶你將是最大的代理. All your collections and products in the vault will be automatically pushed on YouTube, saving a lot of advertising costs. You can also distribute coffers to your customers and you will be the largest agent.

IGBT vacuum furnace size customization (Surfbat SYS-9 key component)

                            IGBT真空炉のサイズカスタマイズ IGBT真空爐尺寸客製化 IGBT vacuum furnace size customization  (Surfbat SYS-9 key component)